Our response to Covid-19

Affective immediately

Update: As we are still closed to face to face appointments we are taking phone appointments.

After much consideration,  The Prince George Sexual Assault Centre is suspending in-person services until April 01 2020.  The office will still be operational in our daily business and offering phone and/or skype sessions to our clients.  We will re-evaluate the situation based on information from Northern Health and the BC Centre for Disease Control, along with the Provincial and Federal Governmental guidelines.

We are choosing to take this measure in recognition that the virus is most likely to affect people with serious chronic medical conditions and older adults.  Social distancing is a community-based measure that helps slow down the spread of the disease and prevents hospitals from becoming more overwhelmed. It is important that we all do our part to make sure that the people that need services can access them.

Staff will continue to work regular hours in the office and schedule telephone sessions with clients.  Additionally all outreach sessions and community meetings are suspended for the same time frame.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact myself or a member of our Board of Directors.
